Eating Out in Languedoc

Eating Out in Languedoc

Eating out in Languedoc in some of the wonderful restaurants near La Calade It’s been hard work, but someone had to do it! Here at La Calade Bed and Breakfast we have taken a little time to seek out some of the best places for eating out in Languedoc. If we...
Spring has arrived

Spring has arrived

I went for a lovely stroll with Theo in his buggy this afternoon and noticed that Spring is definitely springing here! And to top it off, it was a balmy 20 degrees (in February?!) The vine clipping is in full swing The almond trees are bursting into blossom And the...

Blue Monday ?

On this Blue Monday here’s a few reminders of what La Calade and Montouliers look like in the summer to cheer everyone up!